Find out how we use cookies

1. A cookie is a text file placed onto your device when you access our Service. We use cookies and other online tracking devices to deliver, improve and monitor our Service, including in the following ways:

  • Analytics
    To help us understand how you use our Service, and how often, so we can improve it to deliver a better experience for our users.To carry out research and statistical analysis to help improve our content, products and services.

2. We do not use cookies to display advertisements.

3. Our websites display a notice alerting you to our use of cookies and other similar technologies and linking to this privacy policy. By using our websites after this notice has been displayed to you, you are letting us know that you consent to our use of cookies or similar technologies for the purposes described in this privacy policy.

4. Please note that, if you choose to disable cookies or similar technologies on your device, you may be unable to make full use of our Service.

5. We work with third parties who may also place cookies on your device, for example Google Analytics, Facebook and Twitter, which we use to enable social networking functionality and sharing and to monitor how visitors use our Service. These third party suppliers are responsible for the cookies they place on your device. Some of these cookies are session cookies, which will delete after you close the browser or app or log out. Other cookies can be deleted by using your browser or device settings. You may also use your browser or device settings to block cookies, although please note that this may limit your usability of the Service.